
A mostrar mensagens de 2021

kung fu weapons

1 - eagle - Shi -blue/white - long hax  - Atlantis - AEX 2 - raccoon - green/white - Greek sword (like Roman but shorter) - Southern Pacific Ocean 3 - mongoose - Sha - yellow/white -  knife  - Southern Atlantic Ocean 4 - leopard - red/white - Roman sword - Central Pacific Ocean 5 - snake - blue/black - short hammer - North Pole 6 - horseshoe crab - green/black - short hax  - Northern Pacific Ocean - YX 7 - bear - xi - yellow/black - dagger - Europe 8 - tiger - Ji - red/black - stiletto - (Alex weapon in the Clockwork Orange movie poster) South Pole 9 - man - Chu -golden/silver - lightsaber - Africa 10 - phoenix - Qui - grey/white - japanese saber - Indian Ocean - Valhalla 11 - dragon - Kye - green/yellow - Tai-Chi sword - Asia 12 - grasshopper - Ki - red/blue - excalibur sword (movie "Excalibur")   - American continent 13 - praying mantis - Chi - white/black - long hammer - Australia  

Really important - our houses

  Hi. I believe in a house, and maybe in factories and so, it's important to shut down the unnecessary (at the time) electricity breakers when they are not needed for some time; a night or so. See, electricity produces a magnetic field that condenses a lot, and it catches up anything. Being it iron or anything. This magnetic field deteriorates all, it's very corrosive. And when you shut down the electricity from the wires, through the circuit breakers, the magnetic field dissipates, slowly. I hope this helps. Thanks.